ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems
The following are the various awards presented at MODELS 2014.
Most Influential Paper Award
The Most Influential Paper Award is given to the authors of the paper that was determined by the
Steering Committee to have the most impact 10 years after publication (at UML 2004). A plenary session
will be held to honor the work of Dániel Varró (presenter) and András Pataricza for the following paper:
“Generic and Meta-transformations for Model Transformation Engineering”
Auditorium - Blue Cube - 4th Floor
Thursday October 2, 2014
Abstract of Presentation: Although many model transformation approaches exist, their focus is almost
exclusively put on functional correctness and intuitive description language while the importance of
engineering issues such as reusability, maintainability, performance or compactness are neglected. To
tackle these problems following the MDA philosophy, we argue in the paper that model transformations
should also be regarded as models (i.e., as data).
We demonstrate (i) how generic transformations can provide a very compact description of certain
transformation problems and (ii) how meta-transformations can be designed that yield efficient
transformations as their output model.
This is an extract from the abstract of our UML 2004 paper. In the current talk, I provide (1) a brief
summary of the paper itself, and (2) an overview of research results on higher-order transformations in
the past 10 years. This paper was also the first to present the VIATRA2 model transformation framework
based on Eclipse, so a brief history of the tool itself will conclude the talk.
Biography of Presenter: Dániel Varró is a full professor at the Budapest University of Technology and
Economics. His main research interest is model-driven software and systems engineering. He regularly
serves on the programme committee of various international conferences in the field like MODELS, ASE,
FASE and ICMT and serves on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal. He
was a programme committee co-chair of FASE 2013 and ICMT 2014 conferences. He delivered a
keynote talk at IEEE CSMR 2012 conference and at various international workshops (recently, VOLT
2013, GT-VMT 2014). He is a founder of the VIATRA2 model transformation tool and the EMF-IncQuery
open source model query framework, and the site leader of the SENSORIA, DIANA, SecureChange and
MONDO European Projects, and principal investigator of a collaborative project with Embraer. He is a
three time recipient of the IBM Faculty Award. Previously, he was a visiting researcher at SRI
International, at the University of Paderborn and twice at TU Berlin, and a visiting professor at McGill
University and Université de Montréal.
Dániel Varró
András Pataricza