Keynote Speakers
“Towards Data-driven Models of Human Behavior”
Nuria Oliver, Telefonica Research, Spain
Auditorium, 4th Floor, Blue Cube
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Abstract: We live in a world of data, of big data, a big part of which has been
generated by humans through their interactions with both the physical and
digital world. A key element in the exponential growth of human behavioral
data is the mobile phone. There are almost as many mobile phones in the
world as humans. The mobile phone is the piece of technology with the high-
est levels of adoption in human history. We carry them with us all through the
day (and night, in many cases), leaving digital traces of our physical interacti-
ons. Mobile phones have become sensors of human activity in the large scale
and also the most personal devices.
In my talk, I will present some of the work that we are doing at Telefonica Re-
search in the area of modeling humans from large-scale human behavioral
data, such as inferring personality, socioeconomic status, attentiveness to
messages or taste. I will highlight opportunities and challenges associated
with building data-driven models of human behavior.
Biography: Nuria Oliver is currently the Scientific Director and founder of the
User, Data and Media Intelligence research areas in Telefonica Research
(Barcelona, Spain). She is responsible for the HCI, Mobile Computing, Big
and Personal Data Mining, User Modeling and Multimedia Research Areas.
Nuria received the BSc (honors) and MSc degrees in Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science from the ETSIT at the Universidad Politecnica of
Madrid (UPM), Spain, in 1992 and 1994 respectively. She received her PhD
degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge,
MA, in June 2000. From July 2000 until November 2007, she was a resear-
cher at Microsoft Research in Redmond, WA. At the end of 2007, she retur-
ned to Spain to create and lead the Multimedia Scientific Team at Telefonica
Research in Barcelona. Since March 2009, she is also Scientific Director for
the Data Mining & User Modeling research areas in Telefonica Research. It is
an exciting opportunity to do research in her own country.
Her research interests include mobile computing, personal and big data ana-
lysis, smart environments, context awareness, multimedia data analysis, reco-
mmender systems, statistical machine learning and data mining, artificial inte-
lligence, health monitoring, social network analysis, computational social
sciences, and human computer interaction. She is currently working on the
previous disciplines to build human-centric intelligent systems and improve
the work with technology.
Nuria has written over 80 scientific papers in international conferences, jour-
nals and book chapters. Her work has been widely recognized by the scienti-
fic community with over 7000 citations. According to Google Scholar Nuria is
the most cited female computer scientist in Spain. Nuria has over 30 patent
applications and granted patents. She is also in the program committee and a
reviewer of the top conferences in her research areas (IJCAI, IUI, UMAP,
ACM Multimedia, ICMI - MLMI, SocialComp, Interaccion, PervasiveHealth,
MIR, LoCA, MMM, CVPR, Ubicomp, MobileHCI, ICCV, AAAI, etc...). She was
program co-chair of IUI 2009 and of MIR 2010, general conference co-chair of
UMAP 2011, industry-day co-chair of IJCAI 2011, track co-chair of ACM
WWW 2013 and track founder and co-chair in ACM MM 2014, among others.
She believes in the power of technology to empower and increase the quality
of life of people. She has received a number of awards, including a Rising
Start Award by the Women's Forum for the Economy and Society (2009),
MIT’s ‘TR100 Young Innovators Award’ (2004) and the First Spanish Award of
EECS graduates (1994). Besides her scientific publications, she is very inte-
rested in making science available to the general public. She has been a te-
chnology writer for Tecno2000 magazine and ‘El Pais’ newspapers, among o-
thers. Her work has been featured on multiple newspapers, magazines, radio
and TV stations both in Spain and the US. She has been featured in EL PAIS
Sunday magazine as one of a few 'female directors in technology' (2012), na-
med Rising Talent by the Women's Forum for Economy & Society (October
2009), one of the 'most influential young women in Spain' (MujerHoy Magazi-
ne, 2012), one of '100 leaders of the future ' by Capital Magazine (May 2009)
and one of the 'Generation XXI: 40 Spanish youngsters that will make news in
the Third Millenium ' by EL PAIS (2000).
“Future of MBE/MDE/MDD in the Industry — Open Source is the
Only Solution!”
Francis Bordeleau, Ericsson, Canada
Auditorium, 4th Floor, Blue Cube
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Abstract: Model - Based Engineering (MBE) has proven to be highly
successful in many different contexts in large software organizations like
Ericsson over the last decades. As a result, modeling is now used for a wide
range of aspects, including, software design, system modeling, information
modeling, network architecture modeling, and business process modeling.
However, key issues are currently limiting the broader adoption of MBE in the
industry. We believe that the main limiting factors at this point are related to
the tools. Main issues include the lack of proper support for customization and
DSML development, and the lack of capabilities to support a broad range of
development aspects that are considered key by end-users, including testing,
tracing and debugging, deployment on multicore and multi-processor
platforms, deployment analysis and validation, design space exploration,
variability modeling and product line management, and model / tool inte-
grations. These problems plus the lack of evolution of the commercial tools
over the last years has led to conclude that the traditional approach based on
proprietary technologies has failed and that we need a new solution based on
open source. In this context, the emergence of Papyrus as an industrial-grade
open source modeling tool has the potential to be a real game changer as it
provides the required basis for the establishment of a new MBE era based on
a true collaboration between the industry and the research community. Such
collaboration is in our opinion the only way to develop a complete MBE
development environment that will provide support for the broad set of capabi-
lities required by end-users.
In this presentation, we discuss: Ericsson's experience with MBE over the last
20 years using commercial proprietary tools; the main motivations and plan
for the development of an industrial - strength open source modeling tool so-
lution based on Papyrus; the key importance of establishing a vibrant commu-
nity composed of end-users, commercial suppliers, and research/academia;
the impact of open source on the business model for modeling tool providers;
and the main challenges and opportunities for the next years.
Biography: Francis Bordeleau is Product Manager in the Software Develop-
ment group at Ericsson. His main areas of responsibilities include model-
based engineering and modeling tools. In this role, he is responsible for defi-
ning product specification and roadmap, developing business cases, mana-
ging budget, managing open source initiatives, and collaborating with other
companies, researchers, and academia.
Francis has over 20 years of experience in MBE and software engineering;
researching, working, consulting, and collaborating with numerous companies
worldwide. Prior to joining Ericsson in May 2013, Francis was the Founder
and CEO of Zeligsoft from 2003 to 2013, a provider of domain specific Model
Based Engineering (MBE) tooling solutions for distributed real-time embedded
systems, and Director of Tooling Business for PrismTech from 2010 to 2013.
He was also an Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science of
Carleton University from 1997 to 2006.
Francis holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics from University of Montreal (1989), a
Bachelor of Computer Science from University of Quebec (1991), and a Mas-
ter in Computer Science (1993) and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (1999)
from Carleton University.
“Why Formal Modeling Language Semantics Matters”
José Meseguer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Auditorium, 4th Floor, Blue Cube
Friday, October 3, 2014
Abstract: The point of modeling languages is not just modeling, but modeling
as a powerful means of making software development much more reliable,
reusable, automated, and cost effective. For all these purposes, model trans-
formations, as a disciplined technique to systematically relate models within a
modeling language and across languages, play a crucial role. In particular,
automatic code generation from models is one of its great advantages.
As in the case of programming languages and compilers for such languages
— which can be seen as a specific, special case of modeling languages and
model transformations — there are two ways of going about all this: (i) the
usual, engineering way of building and using practical tools, like parsers, com-
pilers, and debuggers and, likewise, modeling tools and model transforma-
tions, where the semantics is implicit in the tools themselves and informal;
and (ii) a formal semantics based approach, where the different languages in-
volved are given a formal semantics and correctness issues, such as the co-
rrectness of programs and models, and of compilers and model transformers,
can be addressed head-on with powerful methods.
It seems fair to say that, both for programming and for modeling languages,
the usual engineering approach is at present the prevailing one. But this
should not blind us to the existence of intrinsically superior technological po-
ssibilities for the future. Futhermore, the reasons for taking formal semantics
seriously are even more compelling for modeling languages than for
programming languages. Specifically, the following crucial advantages can be
Formal Analysis of Model-Based Dessigns, to uncover costly design
errors much earlier in the development cycle.
Correct-by-Construction Model Transformations based on formal
patterns, that can be amortized across many instances.
Modeling-Language-Generic formal analysis tools that are semantics-
based and can likewise be amortized across many languages.
Correct-by-Construction Code Generators, a burning issue for cyber-
physical sys- tems, and a must for high-quality, highly reliable
Althought the full potential for enjoying all these advantages has yet to be ex-
ploited and much work remains ahead, none of this is some pie-in-the-sky day
dreaming. There is already a substantial body of research, tools, and case
studies demonstrating that a formal semantics based approach to modeling
languages is a real possibility. For example, formal approaches to modeling
language semantics based on: (i) type theory, (ii) graph transformations, and
(iii) rewriting logic, all converge in giving strong evidence about the many
practical advantages that can be gained. Besides discussing in more detail
the issues involved, the talk will give a report from the trenches based on my
own personal involvement in advancing semantics - based approached to mo-
deling and programming languages. In particular, I will discuss relevant ad-
vances within the rewriting logic semantics project, which explicitly aims at ba-
sing both programming and modeling languages on a formal executable se-
mantics; and at developing language-generic, semantics-based formal ana-
lysis tool and methods.
Biography: Dr. José Meseguer received his Ph.D. in Mathematics from the
University of Zaragoza, Spain. He is Professor of Computer Science at the
University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign (UIUC). Prior to moving to UIUC
he was a Principal Scientist as the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), after
having held postdoctoral positions at the University of California at Berkeley
and IBM Research. He was also an Initiator Member of Stanford University's
Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI).
Dr. Meseguer has made fundamental contributions in the frontier between
mathematical logic, executable formal specification and verification, declara-
tive programming languages, programming methodology, programming lan-
guage semantics, concurrency, and security. His work in all these areas,
comprising over 300 publications, is very highly cited. His contributions to
security include fundamental concepts such as nointerference, browser secu-
rity verification, new algorithms and verification techniques to defend systems
against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, and new symbolic techniques to ana-
lyze cryptographic protocols modulo complex algebraic properties that have
been embodied in the Maude-NPA Protocol Analyzer. He is the creator of re-
writing logic, a very flexible computational logic to specify concurrent systems.
The 2012 rewriting logic bibliography has about 1,000 publications The Mau-
de rewriting logic language is one of the most advanced and efficient execu-
table formal specification languages worldwide. It supports a wide range of
formal analyses, including symbolic simulation, search, model checking, and
theorem proving. It is also an advanced declarative concurrent language with
sophisticated object - oriented features and powerful module composition and
reflective meta-programming capabilities. He, his collaborators, and other re-
searchers have used Maude and its tool environment to build sophisticated
systems and tools, and to specify and analyze many systems, including cryp-
tographic protocols, network protocols, web browsers, cyber - physical
systems, models of cell biology, executable formal semantics of programming
and software modeling languages, formal analyzers for conventional code,
theorem provers, and tools for interoperating different formal systems. He
has given numerous invited lectures at international scientific meetings and
has taught advanced courses on his research at leading American, British,
German, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese universities and research centers.
He has also served in numerous program committees of international scien-
tific conferences and as editor of various scientific journals.
ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven
Engineering Languages and Systems
The MODELS 2014 Keynotes will feature a distinguished set of speakers who will help to motivate
discussion across the days of the conference. Information about the MODELS 2014 Keynote speakers
and the abstracts of their talks can be found below.